Hi my dear friends!!! We have great news for you - Delmik Design EloDesigns Kroki Designs Pink Lotty Designs Sashinamama Designs Tatjana Designs Yalana Designs done a remarkable Store collab Comming on Friday
Привет. Зовут меня Ирина. Живу я в красивом городе - Москва. Я замужем и у меня самый замечательный сыночек. Его рождение и вдохновило меня заняться фотошопом./Greetings. My name is Irina. I live in а beautiful city - Moscow. I am married and I have the most wonderful son in the world. His birth inspired me to keep creating in photoshop.
Hey scrappers!
Just a quick reminder—*today is the last day* to grab my *newest collection
Daily Stories* at a huge *60% off!* 🎉 If you prefer individua...
Hello my dear blogger friends,
NEW Color Play collection *WELCOME*
50% off - only 10.99 dollars - exclusively at my Oscrap´s store
A specil collection helps...
So you might have noticed that I haven't been here on my blog for a few
months. I was working full-time at my husband's clinic and busy with the
The February Build Your Own Collection sale is happening right now the
Lilypad! I hope you'll check out my brand new kit, *I Heart You*, in the
sale at...
Umumnya mempersiapkan waktu untuk meninjau sementara menjaga menyiapkan
agenda untuk melakukan hal ini. Setelah anda telah menerima anda rutin
sekolah, d...
We are introducing new Painted Autumn PS Actions this week and I'm pretty
sure you will love this pack!
These actions were created to minimally affect t...
today I want to show how you can create beautiful artistic page in seven
quick steps using our collections.
You will see, that it is very easy, beca...
We have a few fabulous digital kits on special in our shop this week and we
wanted to be sure you did not miss out on them! This week we are hoping
to br...
Originally published at Творческая Мастерская «INSPIRATA». You can comment
here or there.
Наш новый Лофт такой разный. Вечером — огонь, утром сплошная не...
Я наконец занялась блокнотами ! Давно об этом мечтала, но всё как-то не
И теперь я очень рада, потому что сама всегда обожала всякие блокнотики...
Scrapping with Liz: BIG Giveaway!: Something is happening starting on the
30th that only happens twice a year! It's time for the $1 sale at Scrap
Orchard. ...
Dear friends,
we are pleased to inform you that our products are now available in two new
and wonderful shops.
They are* Ivy Scraps Store* and *Low Budget S...
[image: Jauh Dimata Dekat Dihati]
Download lagu RAN Jauh Dimata Dekat Dihati.mp3 gratis
Judul: *Jauh Dimata Dekat Dihati*
Artist: *RAN*
Album: download-lagu....
Hi everyone :)
How are you? :)
NEW FEBRUARY BYOC at The Lilypad is here!
Don't miss!!!
Love Struck Elements and Papers by Amy Wolff
My page :)
You & ...
With the shop relaunch we have also released many new templates – from
cards, facebook timelines to marketing products
The post Welcome to the NEW Oh Sna...
*Дорогие мои читатели, подписчики, заказчики! Дорогие мои друзья! *
*Спешу поздравить Вас с Наступившим Новым 2014 годом! *
*Пусть этот год будет счастливым....
случается, да, балую её.. На то она и подруга :) и добавить не лишним про
неё - мой чуткий ценитель..для неё делаю всегда с удовольствием. Но
[image: Flickr230]
A CHANGE There is definitely a seasonal change in the air this morning.
Dark rain clouds and that nip of a chill in the air! I'm not rea...
Ну здравствуйте! Больше десяти дней я отлынивала от ведения своего журнала.
Инстаграмм меня совсем расслабила, ведь там без особых усилий можно
поделиться ...
Hi everyone!
WOW...!! I can't believe that I am actually BACK for my longest break ever!!
Some of you might already know about the birth of my second son.. b...
The Collab sneak peek looks fantastic!!!!